Wednesday 24 September 2014

Who's Going To Win?

It’s not long to go now until The Ryder Cup and I’m very excited!

I was looking at the teams playing for The Ryder Cup this week and I tried to find which one has the advantage and was more likely to win.

Well… not as easy as I had thought!

So before I go to the bookies to place my 10p bet (last of the big spenders, I know!) I decided to look at some statistics.

So, combining my love of golf and numbers, I drew up a spreadsheet. Who doesn’t love a good spreadsheet?

Some of the most interesting bits and bobs:

The Europeans are older with an average age of 35 v 33 for the Americans.

Europe’s players have had 31 previous appearances on the squad with America trailing at 29.

The top 2 most experienced players are in the American team with 17 appearances between them. Europe has 14.

There are 3 players who are making their first appearance on a RC squad.

The average world ranking is 20 for Europe and 16 for the Americans.

The European players have had 14 tournament wins this year v 11 for the Americans.

The European players have won 3 of the 4 majors.

It is even in the 4 WGC events.

In the top 10 shoot-out the Europeans have 91 v 89 for the Americans.

Am I any the wiser? 

Erm, not really! But it was fun (did I mention I love a spreadsheet?!).

One statistic which pops up is that the player with the poorest record this year seems to be Phil Mickelson.

That alone tells me to forget the statistics. (Any player that can hit the hospitality area two times in two rounds has something special going on!! #philwashere)

They are all great players and the team that wins will be the one that wants it most.

With that said: Come on Europe!!!

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