Friday 12 September 2014

Sneak Peek…Golfer’s Soap

We’ve been lucky enough to have been given a sneak peek of a new product that’s coming soon from one of our lovely sponsors.

I’m delighted to present (inspired by yours truly) Golfer’s Soap from The Wee Soap Shop.

Now, I haven’t seen the final packaging but I did get a sneak peek of the soap itself.

Okay, so it looks like any normal soap but it’s not!

This one is special because it’s just for us golfers as well as being 100% natural and 100% handmade.

What makes it so good for golfers? The not-so-secret-ingredients, of course!

You have a lovely mix of warming ginger, scots pine to soothe those muscles and lavender to relax your whole body and mind at the end of a game of golf - good or bad.

So you won’t just smell like the home of golf, you’ll be soothed, relaxed and warm. Bliss.

I’m going to try and get a sample before it goes on sale and I’ll give a review (as well as trying to wrangle a nice little discount code for their website). Check back soon.

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