Thursday 12 March 2015

Exercise for Golf: Balance (3)

This is the third and final balance golf exercise post for the time being. For the first and second blogs click here and here.

Figure 4 Walk

Purpose: Increase hip movement and flexibility

Benefit: Improves balance and and pelvic mobility

Instructions: Stand on left leg and take hold of right ankle. Pull right foot up towards waist. Hold for 2 seconds and return foot to ground. Repeat 10 times.

Repeat standing on right leg.

Balance on a Beam

Purpose: Improve balance

Benefit: improve coordination in the golf swing

Instructions: Stand on a balance beam. You don't need an actual beam - a 4x2 piece of timber on the ground works just as well. Take a stance position, move arms outwards in a small circle motion. Increase the size of the circles. Perform with eyes open and eyes closed.

Attempt 10 arm circles. Repeat in reverse direction. Perform 2 sets of 10 circles in each direction.

Stork Turns

Purpose: To improve balance

Benefit: Improves separation between the upper and lower body creating pelvic turn for controlled power.

Instructions: Adopt address posture with arms across chest. Lift right leg and lock foot behind right knee. Rotate your hips back and forward while keeping shoulders stationery. Maintain balance. Repeat 10 times on each leg. Perform 2 sets.

As you can see I am not great at these exercises but I am just starting along this path. I hope you can follow along. Happy balancing.

Next time, I will introduce some flexibility exercises into my routine.

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