Thursday 5 March 2015

Exercise for Golf: Balance (2)

This is the second article I’ve done on balance exercises for golf. For the first set of exercises, click here.


Purpose: This exercise aims at improving your overall balance by targeting the entire lower body. In order to stay balanced you will need to utilise muscles from the hips to the bottom of the foot in conjunction with one another.

Benefit: This exercise improves stability, balance and consistency in your golf swing.

Instructions: Begin this drill by standing with feet roughly 6 inches apart (an elastic exercise band around both ankles will add some resistance). With a straight leg, begin by slowly moving your right foot straight forward for approximately 15-30 seconds. Next move your straight right leg about 12 inches across to the left of your left leg for 15-30 seconds. Third, move your right leg straight backwards approximately 12 inches, without bending the knee, for 15-30 seconds, and finally move your right leg directly out to the right side about 12 inches and maintain for 15- 30 seconds.

Repeat standing on right leg. Perform 2 sets (twice).

Trunk Rotation (with ball between knees)

Purpose: Improve balance and rotation into backswing

Benefit: Find the best turn into backswing

Instructions: Stand in address position with football between knees. Hold arms across chest. Keep knees pointing forward and turn slowly into backswing. Return to starting point and turn into follow through. Keep ball steady between knees.

Repeat 10 times.

More balance exercises soon.

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