Monday 25 August 2014

Hi There and Hello!

Has it really been almost a month since our first blog post? Wow - time flies when you’re bogged down in golf stuff!

So, what have we been up to?

Our website is now live and taking shape. We’ve still some way to go but if we waited until we were 100% happy with everything then it would never get published!

So, beavering away behind the scenes we’ve been chopping and changing, adding bits, correcting spellings and starting a comprehensive list of all 572 golf courses in Scotland. If I’m tired just now just wait until I challenge myself to have played them all! Maybe next year!

All our social media channels are up and running. To give you a quick rundown you can:

We’ve also got plans for a YouTube channel but that will all depend on how camera shy the golf guys feel when the time comes.

There are also some fab articles being written for future blog posts and the website. We aim to debunk those myths and uncomplicated all the fancy schmancy stuff you see and read about golfing. Golf should be fun. Sure, we all want to improve our game, hit harder, smarter and more accurately but I certainly don’t want to need degrees in Engineering, Maths, Computing and Science to understand ho to go about doing so. That’s where we come in. With that in mind, look out for our first article on Smash Factor in the very near future.

Our golf bags will also be available to buy very soon. Just in time for Christmas (yes, it’s only August and I mentioned the C-word!). Pop one on your wish list - there’s a bag for every golfer and every budget.

So that’s us - we’re warmed up, and ready to go - we hope you will join us!

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