Thursday 5 February 2015

My Golfing Resolutions for 2015

These resolutions could easily be called revolutions because it seems to me that they keep coming around year after year. Same as all resolutions, I suppose!

Anyhow, I have made up my mind that this year will be different. By making this statement, I hope to shame myself into making sure that I pull my finger out and get things done otherwise, the progress report in December will be interesting!

I do not play enough golf. Time and other commitments have not always been on my side. So my first resolution is:

1. To play more regularly. I am determined this coming year to play at least 2 times each month and practise in those weeks I cannot play a full round.

It is vital to keep track of progress in my game so game statistics are to be kept. The next resolutions relate to basic statistics.


2. Putting. I want to improve my putting stats. 32 putts per round would be good.


3. Long Game. My aim is to hit 12 greens in regulation in each round. (really my aim is to hit 18 greens in regulation. However this is not realistic and so 12 is the target.


If I am to reach the above targets I realise that I must stay fit. Fitness is something which becomes more elusive as the years progress. In general terms this will include healthy eating and drinking. Being aware of what you put into your body is important. Most top sportsmen take this seriously so why shouldn't I do the same?

The next resolution is therefore related to improving my general fitness levels.

4. General Fitness. So, my resolution with regards to fitness is to be comfortable walking 3 miles at a time. Not on a golf course as I figure that a constant 3 miles walk each day will equate to a round of golf where you regularly stop and start.


Swinging a golf club at over 100mph with all the resulting forces exerted on the body is not something to do without training. I am going to set up a routine of simple exercises to improve muscle tone and suppleness and swing speed. So the next resolution is to get fit for golf.

5. My fit for golf resolution means that I will commit to my series of simple exercises on a daily basis.

I reckon that if I spend 30 minutes less time watching the television/computer each day and use that time to exercise I will be feel better and stronger in a matter of months.

In the coming months I’m hoping to put up some fun and useful exercises on the blog. I plan to, but it’s not a resolution!!


Last but not least…

6. Resolution #6 - be happy and keep smiling.

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